No, there are no limits to how many requests you can add, each will be completed one by one.
On average, most requests are completed within 5 working days. More complex requests can take longer and are typically being broken down into smaller ones. You'd be always given an estimated completion time.
After you subscribe, you will receive an email with a link to your platform where you can add your requests as well as a link to your Stripe customer portal where you can manage your subscription.
We will also invite you to your Slack channel where your dedicated project manager will be available to assist you.
We communicate using our platform as well as over Slack if there are occasional, general details to discuss.
We do not do frequent meetings by default and use meetings only when there are urgent issues to resolve and it’s more efficient to clarify the details with a call.
Billing cycles are based on a 31 day period. For example if you subscribe and use the service for 10 days and then pause your subscription, the billing cycle will get paused and you’ll have 21 days of service remaining to be used anytime in the future.
All communication is done over an SSL encrypted connection — the same technology used by online retailers and banks. All billing information is fully secured with Stripe, a certified PCI Service provider.